BTM Consult, a part of Navigant’s global Energy Practice and a premier forecaster of the international wind industry, brings its experience and expertise to a comprehensive look at the offshore wind energy industry, as well as the impacted supply chain in this expanding but challenging market.
Offshore Report 2013 is BTM Consult’s most comprehensive overview of the offshore wind market to date. The report highlights developments in the international offshore wind market over the past two years, as well as industry growth trends as projected in the report’s near-term forecast to 2016 and medium term predictions to 2021.
Offshore Report 2013 provides an assessment of all major offshore wind markets and incentives from across the world, and a detailed analysis of both the demand and supply sides of the offshore wind market in 2012. Key findings are included from the latest update of the “balance of plant” supply situation and from this report’s analyses of offshore wind financing, including future CAPEX and OPEX requirements. The report’s special theme reviews the current shipping and logistics situation for offshore wind farm construction.
Key components in the study include:
- Blades
- Gearboxes
- Generators
- Bearings
- Towers
- Converters
- Transformers
- Pitch drive systems
- Yaw drive systems
- Control systems
Key materials in the study include:
- Foundations – gravity and steel
- Contractors on installation
Key suppliers to “balance of plant” included in the study:
- Installation vessels
- Cable laying vessels
- Sub-station suppliers
- Cable suppliers
- Providers of cable installation offshore
- Hammer suppliers
Key “infrastructure” included in the study:
- Offshore wind ports
- Offshore wind power transmission
Table of Contents
Abbreviations and Technical Units
Executive Summary
1. Introduction
1.1 Methodology
1.2 Limitations of the research
2. Status of Global Offshore Wind Power
2.1 Market update 2011 – demand side
2.2 Market update 2011 – supply side
3. The Global Offshore Wind Power Market
3.1 Offshore wind resource in key regions
3.1.1 Offshore wind resource in Europe
3.1.2 Offshore wind resource in China
3.1.3 Offshore wind resource in Japan
3.1.4 Offshore wind resource in South Korea
3.1.5 Offshore wind resource in the United States
3.2 Offshore wind market profiles
3.2.1 Europe United Kingdom Germany Denmark France Belgium Sweden The Netherlands Ireland (Republic) Other EU countries
3.2.2 Asia China Japan South Korea Taiwan
3.2.3 North America United States Canada
4. Structure of the Offshore Wind Market
4.1 Customers in the market
4.1.1 Developers/Operators/Owners
4.1.2 Strategies of leading offshore wind farm developers Dong Energy Vattenfall E.ON RWE SSE Renewables Centrica Eneco Longyuan Power Group TCW Marubeni
4.1.3 Project portfolios held by leading offshore developers
4.1.4 Trends on the demand side
4.1.5 Geographic location of leading offshore wind farm developers/operator activity
4.2 Offshore wind turbine suppliers
4.2.1 Overview of the offshore turbine market
4.2.2 Evolution of offshore turbine technology 1991-2012
4.2.3 Technology trends for offshore turbines Traditional multi-megawatt offshore turbine Medium speed turbines Direct drive offshore turbines Hydraulic drive offshore turbines Super-size turbines ≥10 MW Floating turbines Summary of offshore turbine technology trends
4.2.4 Strategic analysis of offshore wind turbine manufacturers Leading OEM suppliers (Tier 1) Recently established OEM suppliers (Tier 2) New entrants (Tier 3)
4.2.5 Offshore turbine supplier project portfolios
5. Offshore Wind Economics & Finance
5.1 Offshore project financing
5.1.1 History of offshore wind project finance
5.1.2 Current and future status
5.2 Offshore wind plant costs
5.2.1 CAPEX Capital cost components CAPEX trends
5.2.2 OPEX OPEX cost components O&M trends O&M strategies
5.3 Levelised cost of energy
5.4 Offshore wind cost reduction pathways overview
5.4.1 Aim of initiatives
5.4.2 Key outcomes Supply chain Innovation Contracting strategies Planning & consenting Grid Finance
6. The Offshore Wind Supply Chain & Technology Trends
6.1 Offshore wind supply chain strategies
6.2 Key components
6.2.1 Rotor blades
6.2.2 Gearboxes
6.2.3 Generators
6.2.4 Bearings
6.2.5 Power converters
6.2.6 Power transformers
6.2.7 Towers
6.2.8 Pitch drive systems
6.2.9 Yaw drive systems
6.2.10 Control systems
6.3 Key component materials
6.3.1 Castings for offshore wind
6.3.2 Forged parts for offshore wind turbines
6.4 Offshore wind farm balance of plant
6.4.1 Offshore foundations Challenges of offshore wind foundations New offshore wind foundation designs Gravity based structures Suppliers of offshore wind steel structures
6.4.2 Offshore cable suppliers
6.4.3 Substations
6.4.4 Specialist installation contractors
6.4.5 Installation and construction vessels Types of vessels Installation vessels
6.4.6 Contractors for offshore cable installation
6.4.7 Cable laying vessels
6.4.8 Pile driving hammers
7. Offshore Wind Infrastructure
7.1 Offshore wind ports
7.2 Offshore wind power transmission
7.2.1 Overview of offshore wind power grid
7.2.2 Challenges of offshore wind power transmission
8. Offshore Wind Market Forecast and Predictions
8.1 Introduction to offshore wind market forecast and prediction to 2021
8.2 Methodology for offshore wind market .forecast to 2016
8.3 Offshore wind power market forecast to 2016
8.4 Methodology for market prediction to 2021
8.5 Offshore wind power market prediction 2017 to 2021
8.6 360° market analysis for offshore wind power development to 2021
8.7 Challenge and opportunities for offshore wind market development
9. Special Theme: Offshore Wind Shipping and Logistics
9.1 Macro overview of offshore wind shipping and logistics
9.1.1 Offshore market and geographical scoping
9.1.2 Definition of shipping and logistics Wind turbine generator – inbound parts (assembly) Installation (outbound) Operations and maintenance
9.2 Strategic issues for offshore wind shipping and logistics
9.2.1 Overview of installation process in Europe
9.2.2 Outbound logistics (installation)
9.2.3 Types of companies involved and the roles they play Shipping companies involved in offshore wind Logistics companies involved in offshore wind Ports involved in offshore wind
9.2.4 Case studies of strategies applied
9.3 Tactics and practices in offshore wind shipping and logistics
9.3.1 Practical experience
9.3.2 Best practices and what to avoid – case studies
9.3.3 Transport cost for offshore wind and its impact on installed cost per megawatt
9.4 Challenges and trends in offshore wind shipping and logistics
9.4.1 Impact on shipping and logistics of ever larger wind turbines
9.4.2 Risk management – global asset policy
9.4.3 Future changes in allocation of supply chain tasks
9.5 Conclusion: Offshore wind shipping and logistics
List of Figures
- Offshore wind power markets around the world
- Location of sub-suppliers to the offshore wind industry
- Geographic distribution of global offshore wind installations at end 2011
- Progress of offshore wind turbine development 1991-2012
- European offshore wind resource map
- Frequency of tropical storms and typhoons over China, 1961-2008
- Wind resource map in China
- Offshore wind resource map in Japan
- Offshore wind resource map in South Korea
- Offshore wind resource map in the US
- United States bathymetry distribution
- National plans for offshore wind by 2020
- Offshore wind projects in operation or under construction
- UK offshore wind development process flow chart
- German maritime zones
- Offshore wind farms in the German North Sea
- Offshore wind farms in the German Baltic Sea
- Map of Danish offshore wind projects
- Map of French offshore wind projects with concessions
- Map of offshore wind projects in the Belgian North Sea
- Map of Swedish offshore wind projects
- Map of offshore wind projects in the Netherlands
- Map of offshore wind projects in Ireland
- Definition of wind resource areas in China
- Process of offshore wind project approval in China
- Approved and proposed offshore projects in US waters
- Top 10 operators’ market share and presence by the end of 2011
- Offshore project ownership by investor type by the end of 2011
- Geographic distribution of Top-20 offshore wind development portfolios
- Distribution of offshore wind development portfolios
- Ownership of offshore wind project portfolios
- Leading offshore wind project developers by country
- Market share of offshore turbine suppliers as of end 2011
- Offshore wind turbine suppliers’ market strength and position
- Segmentation of offshore turbine size as of end 2011
- First deployment of commercial offshore turbine technology as of end of 2011
- Evolution of commercial offshore wind turbine technology 1991- 2012
- Development timeline of medium speed Multi-MW offshore wind turbines
- Development of direct drive technology for offshore wind turbine application
- Installed floating offshore wind turbine projects
- Foundations for Fukushima Recovery Experimental Offshore Floating Wind Farm
- Road map of offshore wind turbine technology development 1991-2015
- Classification of offshore turbine suppliers
- Summary of established OEMs’ market strength in offshore wind sector
- Segmentation of product size 1991-2011 (Siemens)
- Siemens offshore wind turbine installations by country 1991-2011
- Segmentation of product size 1994-2011 (Vestas)
- Vestas offshore wind turbine installations by country 1994-2011
- Breakdown of OEM project pipelines by country
- Overview of features of the major fund classes
- Offshore wind project overview of key phases
- Offshore wind plant capital cost breakdown
- O&M employees per MW
- Offshore wind installations by plant size
- O&M costs by category and year
- O&M cost forecast
- LCOE as a function of CAPEX and NCF
- Breakdown of costs for a conventional offshore wind turbine
- Overview of offshore wind foundations
- Market share of different offshore wind foundation type
- New monopile designs from DNV
- Four selected foundation designs for Round 3 sites
- Offshore wind ports in Northern Europe
- Illustration of existing and future interconnectors
- Forecast for offshore wind power installations 2012 to 2016
- Cumulative global growth of offshore wind power capacity to 2021
- Offshore wind farm installation case study with low degree of turbine assembly at the site
- Offshore wind farm installation case study with higher degree of assembly at sea
- Installation of on-shore transformer station, export/array cables, and offshore substation
List of Tables
- Installed global offshore wind power 2006 – 2011 (MW)
- Offshore wind test sites
- Status of offshore projects under construction in 2012
- Operating offshore wind farms at end 2011
- Commercial offshore turbine suppliers (end 2011 figures)
- Overview of results from UK Crown Estate Rounds 1, 2, 2.5
- Projects in The Crown Estate Round 3 & Scottish Territorial Waters
- German offshore wind projects in operation
- German pipeline of offshore wind projects in North Sea and Baltic Sea
- German pipeline of pre-consent offshore wind projects in North Sea and Baltic Sea
- Offshore wind projects in Denmark
- Offshore wind project pipeline in Denmark
- Offshore wind project pipeline in France
- Offshore project pipeline in the Belgian North Sea
- Offshore wind projects in Sweden
- Offshore wind project pipeline in Sweden
- Offshore wind projects pipeline in the Netherlands
- Offshore wind project pipeline in Ireland
- Offshore wind project pipeline for Finland
- Overview of the first Chinese offshore concession projects
- Comparison of purchase prices for onshore wind, intertidal and offshore wind
- Chinese offshore wind project pipeline
- Offshore wind project pipeline in Japan
- Offshore wind project pipeline in South Korea
- Wind Power Promotion Target of Commissioned Capacity in Taiwan (Unit: MW)
- The Incentive Program of Offshore Wind Power Demonstration System in Taiwan
- Regulated power purchase prices for offshore wind power in Taiwan
- Offshore wind farm owners/operators by the end of 2011
- Top ten offshore wind farm operators by the end of 2011
- Top 20 global offshore wind development portfolios
- Overview of offshore wind turbine deployment
- Traditional Multi-MW (4.0-7.0 MW) turbines designed for offshore application
- Multi-MW Medium Speed Turbines Designed for Offshore Application
- Multi-MW direct drive turbines designed for offshore wind application
- Multi-MW hydraulic & hybrid drive wind turbines designed for offshore application
- Progress of R&D on super-size offshore wind turbines
- Strategic analysis Siemens offshore
- Strategic analysis Vestas offshore
- Strategic analysis REpower offshore
- Strategic analysis Sinovel offshore
- Strategic analysis Areva Wind offshore
- Strategic analysis BARD offshore
- Strategic analysis GE Wind offshore
- Strategic analysis Alstom Wind offshore
- Strategic analysis XEMC Darwind offshore
- Strategic analysis Goldwind offshore
- Strategic analysis Mingyang offshore
- Strategic analysis Mitsubishi offshore
- Project pipelines held by Tier 1 offshore turbine suppliers
- Project pipelines held by Tier 2 offshore turbine suppliers
- Project pipelines held by Tier 3 offshore turbine suppliers
- Overview of recent significant project finance deals in offshore wind
- Profile for pension and insurance funds
- Profile for Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWFs)
- Profile for infrastructure funds
- Profile for Private Equity (PE) funds
- Profile for commercial banks
- Baseline assumptions for example offshore wind farm
- Overview of fundamental CAPEX components
- Approximated CAPEX for offshore wind projects in the EU
- Approximated CAPEX for offshore wind projects in China
- Key factors influencing CAPEX
- Overview of innovations impacting costs
- Overview of fundamental OPEX components
- Operations and maintenance costs for a 500 MW reference plant
- Trends that will impact O&M costs
- Major O&M strategy elements and best practices
- Specific recommendations from UK’s Offshore Wind Cost Reduction Task Force
- Sources of key components for selected wind turbine suppliers
- Independent blade manufacturers
- Gearbox suppliers for offshore wind turbines
- Independent generator manufacturers with offshore wind applications
- Suppliers of large bearings for offshore turbines
- Independent power converter suppliers for offshore turbines
- Independent power transformer suppliers for offshore turbines
- Independent tower suppliers for offshore turbines
- Main pitch drive unit suppliers for offshore wind
- Main yaw gearbox suppliers for offshore wind
- Independent suppliers of main control systems for offshore wind
- Independent suppliers of castings to the offshore wind industry
- Foundries supplying main forged parts to the offshore wind turbine industry
- Suppliers of offshore wind foundations – gravity based structures
- Suppliers of offshore wind steel structures
- Cable suppliers to the offshore wind industry
- Manufacturers of offshore wind farm sub-stations
- Offshore wind specialist contractors
- Types of offshore wind installation vessels
- Offshore wind installation vessels Jack-up barges and ships
- Offshore wind installation vessels — Heavy lift vessels
- Offshore wind installation vessels under construction and planned- Jack-up barges
- Offshore wind installation vessels under construction and planned- Heavy lift vessels
- Weight of commercial offshore wind turbines
- Contractors for offshore wind cable installation
- Cable laying vessels suitable for offshore wind
- Suppliers of piling hammers to the offshore wind industry
- Overview of ports for offshore wind in Germany & Denmark
- Overview of ports for offshore wind in the UK
- Overview of ports for offshore wind in the Netherlands, Belgium, France, & China
- Port facilities across key functions
- List of existing and future interconnectors
- Forecast for offshore wind power development up to 2016 (MW)
- Prediction for offshore wind development 2017 to 2021 (MW)
- 360° market overview of key offshore wind power markets
- Shipping and logistics activities in six identified stages of offshore wind farm development
- Danish freight forwarders with long-term involvement in wind energy transportation
- Examples of more recent regional freight forwarder entrants
- Global freight forwarders already active in or entering the offshore wind arena
- Key European ports involved in offshore wind
- ORECCA projections of port requirements to handle large scale OSWF installation
- Port of Esbjerg 2020 wind energy expansion strategy and investment plan
- Wind Scenario Model tool segregating offshore wind transport costs through 2050